Are you looking for information about how to find the best room or apartment near UVA? Here are the details about “on grounds” and “off grounds” housing…
Housing options include 1. UVA dormitories and housing (“on grounds”) 2. Apartments and houses (“off grounds”)
UVA “On-Grounds” Dormitories and Housing. Rooms or apartments rented to students by the university. See:
“Off-Grounds” Apartments or Houses. Not owned by UVA. Usually shared by two or more students, these can be located through: lists available apartments online at their website, where you can search by area, rent amount and number of bedrooms. a Charlottesville-area community web site, has an list of links to realtors, apartments, housing organizations, and more
A Note on some of the major apartment complexes around UVA
within walking distance of UVA –through a secret pathway in the woods at the back of the neighborhood 🙂
has its own UVA UTS bus stop
lots of fellow international grad students living there
Cavalier Crossing:
Some furnished apartments are available for just $20 more per month
They have a shuttle to UVA, but service at night, weekends, and non-school times is limited
Walking from Cavalier Crossing to UVA can be dangerous and difficult. Most students opt to get a car as soon as possible if they live here.
The last time I was there dropping off a student, someone tried to zoom around me in the parking lot. This neighborhood is not as quiet and studious as some of the other options. But it does have a nice pool and basketball court.
Eagles Landing:
They have a shuttle to UVA but service at night, weekends, and non-school times is limited
Eagles Landing is farther from UVA than U-Heights is. You can walk or bike through a secret path, over a creek and through the woods. Most students who live here try to get a car as soon as possible.
They have a nice pool.
Apartments near Jefferson Park Avenue and Fontaine Avenue:
This is my favorite area to live in around UVA. All of these places are easy and relatively safe to walk to
UTS bus stops are plentiful
Apartments near North Grounds
If you are in the Darden School or Law School or if you just want a nice place to live, you can consider an apartment near North Grounds
Jeffersonian Apartments on Arlington blvd. These apartments are convenient to both UTS and CTS bus stops, close to shopping, close to North Grounds Gym
The Pavilion on Arlington is pricey and NOVA-like but many students like it.
Ivy Gardens are highly recommended if you are in Law or Darden but not convenient if your classes are at Central Grounds
Apartments near The Corner and 14th St.
UTS bus stops are nearby
Convenient to the Corner and easy walking distance to UVA
This area is a bit loud and rough, with lots of late night parties, etc. If that’s not your scene, then look elsewhere.
Apartments near Main St.
Location is close to the medical school
This area is busy and noisy and the nice new apartments are expensive
UTS and CTS bus stops are nearby
Leases. A contract that must be signed in order to rent a room, apartment or house. Usually, each student signs a lease to rent a place to live for one year at a time. Talk to your landlord about the possibility of subletting. A sublease is temporarily renting your room or apartment to someone else.
Things to Consider when Renting
Signs in front of apartments for rent.
You can find the phone numbers for companies that lease apartments at Sometimes it is convenient to contact them and get a real human being to help you find what you are looking for. Ask them what different buildings they have available.
Read the lease (rental agreement) carefully before signing it. The lease sets the amount of rent that must be paid each month, the amount of the deposit (called the “security deposit”), monthly utility costs, and the rules & regulations set by the landlord. It is a legal, binding contract. The security deposit is required in most cases and paid upfront when you sign the lease, and it is returned at the end of the year after deducting the costs of damages to the place, if any. Rent must be paid in full by the due date every month.
What is the location relative to the university and to bus routes? Are stores or services that you need close by? Do not simply trust the information you find on the website of a particular rental company. Find out EXACTLY how many miles (you can convert it into km later 🙂 you would have to walk to get to your department and classes. This must be done before signing your lease. Contact us if you have questions about the location of a particular apartment.
How many months’ notice must you give to your landlord before moving out?
What rules and regulations must you follow?
Carefully inspect the apartment or room, and report any damage before beginning your lease, as you may be held responsible and charged for any damage.
How will you divide the rent, utilities, telephone bills, household chores, food purchases, cooking, and other household expenses?
What courtesy rules will each of you observe?
[From Danqi, a first-year student from China] I spent my first-year in one of the “Old Dorms,” and I was one of the two Chinese students in the entire house. There were two international students in my hall, and the other one was from England. It was a little bit intimidating at first to be surrounded by people of different ethnicities, but living with people of different cultural backgrounds also provides great opportunities to practice speaking English and to know other cultures better. It is really easy to establish connection simply because you live with them. My roommate, hall-mates and RA were really nice; we occasionally go hiking together, and my hall-mates brought me to my first soccer and football games. They also witnessed my very first S’more experience. I had a really good time living with them.
Furniture & Household Goods. University dormitories usually have basic furniture. Except for a refrigerator and stove, apartments and houses are usually unfurnished.
Thrift stores – a great place to buy used furniture + The Salvation Army store at 604 Cherry Ave is the easiest place to start (434) 979-523 + Goodwill 1720 Seminole Trl (434) 872-017 + Goodwill 1242 Richmond Rd (434) 295-3967
Yard sales in residential neighborhoods or churches – see “Yard Sales” in newspaper classified ads,
Used furniture stores – see and search “Used Furniture.”
Finding A Place Near UVA
Are you looking for information about how to find the best room or apartment near UVA? Here are the details about “on grounds” and “off grounds” housing…

Housing options include
1. UVA dormitories and housing (“on grounds”)
2. Apartments and houses (“off grounds”)
UVA “On-Grounds” Dormitories and Housing. Rooms or apartments rented to students by the university. See:
“Off-Grounds” Apartments or Houses. Not owned by UVA. Usually shared by two or more students, these can be located through:
A Note on some of the major apartment complexes around UVA
Cavalier Crossing:
Eagles Landing:
Apartments near Jefferson Park Avenue and Fontaine Avenue:
Apartments near North Grounds
If you are in the Darden School or Law School or if you just want a nice place to live, you can consider an apartment near North Grounds
Apartments near The Corner and 14th St.
Apartments near Main St.
Leases. A contract that must be signed in order to rent a room, apartment or house. Usually, each student signs a lease to rent a place to live for one year at a time. Talk to your landlord about the possibility of subletting. A sublease is temporarily renting your room or apartment to someone else.
Things to Consider when Renting
+ The Salvation Army store at 604 Cherry Ave is the easiest place to start (434) 979-523
+ Goodwill 1720 Seminole Trl (434) 872-017
+ Goodwill 1242 Richmond Rd (434) 295-3967