Volunteer with ISI

Help other internationals have a great transition to the US! Say “thank you” by making ISI better! … Get involved by volunteering and leading in the ISI group — ISI runs best when students are involved and there… Read More

Have Fun With ISI

Some Must-Dos for a UVA student Go to Free Food Events Picnic in a picturesque setting Horseback Riding Berry/Apple Picking Take trips to famous cities, e.g. Washington D.C. and New York City Hiking on the Blue Ridge Mountains… Read More

Volunteer to help new international students!

Help other internationals have a great transition to the US!  Say “thank you” by making ISI better! …             

How to Make ISI YOUR Group

ISI is your place to plug in!  Interface with other internationals and Americans as well!  Get the most out of your UVA experience!!!  Here’s how…

How Can ISI Help Me?

At first it may seem overwhelming trying to figure things out here at UVA and even finding people who understand what it’s like to be in a strange, new place that doesn’t make sense. Your friends at ISI… Read More

What is ISI About?

International Student Inc (ISI) serves international students, scholars, and their families in Charlottesville… helping them adjust to their new setting and make American friends. ISI is a Christian organization and you will see by attending our events that… Read More